Nature Therapy Yellow Flower


Nature Based Therapy

Eco Therapy Tree

One of our most fundamental relationships is our relationship with the Earth. We are literally alive through this relationship. However, this relationship is often diminished and limited as we navigate the dominant culture.

Whether we meet outside or simply bring this relationship into our work with your mental health, establishing or rebuilding an active relationship with nature can have a significant impact on your mental health.

For many people, outdoor spaces can be more calming and relaxing than a traditional office setting. Outdoor sessions involve sitting or walking in natural spaces. Limited availability at this time. Please feel free to inquire about current options.

These are some media links I am featured in discussing these topics.

UF Students Face Environmental Anxiety as Threat of Climate Change Looms by Ella Thompson in the Independent Florida Alligator

Climate Anxiety Documentary PBS of South Florida TBA

Rising temps, rising anxiety: Climate change creates emerging mental health challenge by Claire Grunewald in the Miami Herald

Climate anxiety: It’s here and it’s personal by Cameron Glymph

Climate Aware Therapy ~ Climate Psychology

Climate Psychology Tree

There is growing awareness in the psychology field of the impacts on our mental health of living through the current climate crisis. These are some common manifestations of these symptoms:

Climate Anxiety/ Eco-Anxiety: fears related to the unknown future, what will be lost

Climate Grief/Ecological Grief: the grief associated with the loss of species and ecosystems due to climate change

Solastalgia: the sense of loss of places that are meaningful to us

These are all normal reactions to the present crisis. Although these emotions can be difficult to face, I hope to provide a supportive space for you to engage with them and to imagine new possibilities for our collective future.

I have listed below some articles regarding this topic.

Deep Time Perspective

Universe Therapy Sky Trees

The Deep Time Perspective is an avenue to bring the current scientific understandings of the Universe into our work as a source of empowerment.

With the progress of science, we have a growing understanding of our place within the universe. Although our connection to the universe is scientific fact, many people lack this awareness in terms of how they see themselves and their lives. This universal perspective offers an incredible resource in terms of self-understanding, sense of community and greater meaning in our lives.

Through this perspective, we can more accurately orient ourselves within our context of the Universe, interdependent in our relationship with the Earth and the matrix of relationships that we are embedded in and are alive through.

We find ourselves at the center of this over 13 billion year, ever-evolving story offering us the opportunity to seek to act in alignment and with support of the Universe, to embody its creative, emergent and expansive qualities. Through this orientation, we have the opportunity to hold the both/and and honor your experience as both individual and collective, tangible and universal.